Getting over a break-up.

1.) Cry
Let's be clear, if you don't cry after a break-up you're dead inside... Okay no, but whether you've been dumped or you're the one ending it, it's upsetting. Either way, crying often helps when you feel like shit. It's a 'natural reflex' if you will and more often than not you will feel a great relief from letting it all out so don't hold it in; if you want to cry like Kim K, just go for it! 

2.) Don't talk
This is hard, I know, but from past experience I've found that you end up either embarrassing yourself or saying things you don't necessarily mean. You're emotions are all over the place so if you must, type out what you want to say then sleep on it and see if you still feel the same way as you re-read it. If you do choose to send it, don't expect a reply... you broke up for a reason and it's highly likely they won't necessarily want to hear from you, as horrible as it is.

3.) No stalking!
Okay, I'm not talking creeping outside their house type stalking; surely that's a given that you should just avoid.. I simply mean no social media stalking. You'll only end up getting upset over things you see/read. Trust me, I've been there! I know this is a toughie as everyone does it at some point in their lives because it's so easy done! I did it once simply because I was worried about an ex for health reasons but nope.. he was fine.. more than fine it seemed..

4.) No hook-ups!
I'm proud to say I've never done this but I know it's reasonably common. People miss the feelings of closeness and go looking for it elsewhere. This is only going to make you feel worse mentally and let's be honest, it's kinda gross and skanky. So let's just put that to bed.. Ahem.

5.) Surround yourself with family/friends
You may like your own company at times and that's fine but surrounding yourself with the people you love and who care about you will cheer you up no end. Hey, it's okay to cry in front of them too!

6.) Join the gym/Find a hobby
Finding something to fill your time is one thing, but finding something you enjoy to fill your time is even better. Maybe try something new? Maybe there's something you've always wanted to try? Well go for it! You may meet new people too, which would be a bonus. Maybe try joining the gym, the exercise will do you good mentally and if you keep at it, your body will thank you too. Make that ex jealous of the booty you've been squatting and lunging for!

7.) Don't meet up
This is a bit like the texting thing, you'll probably end up bitterly disappointed so best to just avoid it to begin with. Also, physically seeing them may make you miss them even more, resulting in more upset.

8.) Move on!
This may take time depending on you, the length of the relationship, the break-up, a whole number of reasons, but just try to accept it and get on with your life. As depressing as it is, life isn't like a romantic comedy; people don't break up with you if they truly are in love with you still. 99% of the time, they don't roll up at your house telling you they made a mistake and they still love you. Save that for Nicholas Sparks films. Give it time, you'll be back on your feet and you'll meet someone 10x better. Don't beat yourself up over a break-up, pick yourself up, hold that head up high and with time, you'll heal and your broken heart will mend. :)

The Flawed Blonde. xoxo

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