You say I'm complicated...But you've had me underrated.

It's no secret that I've had a fair handful of issues in my past but apart from the odd few things that still need to be sorted out, I'm the strongest I've ever been. Years ago, even months ago, I never thought I could have the mindset I do today. I hated myself...every little bit of me. There's no other way to say it; I was completely self loathing.
I was much better than I used to be, age 16, however there was still a hell of a lot of work to be done.
I chose the title of this blog to be a lyric from one of my all time favourite songs, a lyric that really resonates with me and just sums up my life right now. A lot of people know me as a quiet, nerdy, weird girl with no confidence and I have to say it has never felt better to be able to prove these people wrong. You saw me as a saw me broken in more ways than one. Well things have changed. 
You've had me underrated!

I know I'm not and never will look like a VS model, but I can now look in the mirror and not burst into tears. I don't even look in the mirror and simply accept the way I look. I look at myself in that mirror and I am happy with the way I look and do you know what the best part is? Majority of the time I actually prefer how I look without make-up. I used to clart it on just as an attempt to change how I looked and to be quite honest with you, it looked ridiculous and I'm surprised I still had friends.. What a loser.

I don't know what changed; I can think of a few things but we'll never know what really happened in my head, but it's like one day something just clicked and I became confident overnight. Sure I still have days where I don't feel so great but that's okay! Sure not everyone is going to like the way you look, but that's okay too! Just hold your head up high and show everyone who is boss!

I guess this had turned into a kind of inspirational type blog, oops! But just know, you're perfect in your own way and if you're reading this and feel the same way I felt, it does get better. I promise. Don't end up as your own worst enemy.

Be the badass bitch that no-one expected you to be. Prove everyone wrong and show everyone the person you want to be... The real you who only you knew, the one stuck inside your heart and soul, aching to burst out and take the world by storm!

The Flawed Blonde. xoxo

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Facebook: The Flawed Blonde
Instagram: emmakatied

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