Review: Elegant Touch False Nails

I've tried false nails before and I've found them okay but even the shorter ones are still slightly too long for me. I love almond shaped false nails but in reality, I could not manage with these. I tried some and had to remove them a day later as I couldn't do anything; typing, using my phone, writing,.. near enough anything!
I've tried the Elegant Touch Press-On nails a few years ago for a party but unfortunately placed them too close to the nail bed, causing a fair bit of pain! But that was my own stupidity, so...

This time around, after my gorgeous friend tried and tested the Elegant Touch Polished False Nails, (you can find her review here!) I knew I had to try them out. ;)
I went for 'Jackie' which is a basic nude colour as I wanted them to look as natural as possible the first time around. I also wanted to desperately avoid the square shaped nails; I don't want to offend anyone but for me, they look a little too much..But for £6.59 you can't really go wrong.

Firstly, it always takes me 15 minutes to root through the different sizes to match to my nails so that's an effort but then again, everyone has different sized and shaped nails so y'know.. they've got to cater for everyone! Having said that, it does seem a waste when you're basically throwing away several of the nails because they're too big/small; when there's 24 different sized nails and you're only using 10.

The glue stuck really quickly and you only needed a small amount as a little goes a long a way, however it took such an effort trying to break into it! I definitely wasn't impressed by that. It also meant that once opened if I did want to use it again, I couldn't seal it off.

Once the nails were applied, which was easy enough, I thought the majority of them looked great, except the thumbs. I tried several sizes beforehand and settled on one but they were so long they just didn't look natural. Like I said, the others looked fine and not ridiculously long but the thumbs were just too much for me. I trimmed and filed them down slightly and they looked better but obviously they aren't designed for this.
In the end I ended up removing them again as I like them, but not enough to leave them on. I wouldn't put people off buying them; they were good for the price and claim to last over a week. Obviously if this were a proper review, I would've left them on until they fell off! But hey, here we are.

Have you ever tried them? What did you think? Are there any false nail brands you've tried which you would recommend? Let me know in the comments down below. :)

The Flawed Blonde. xoxo

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