Teeth Whitening

A few years ago I had a filling in the back of one of my front teeth, and needless to say the dentist obviously didn't clean everything properly as what would've been a simple filling turned into a god awful infection. I won't go into the horrific details but let's just say this: it was serious and it bloody hurt! I ended up having to have a root canal filling and we thought that was the end of it.

After a few months my front tooth started to darken and get more and more grey as time went on. As someone who is already self concious, this certainly didn't help!
So, my amaaazinggg parents decided to pay for me to go private to get the tooth internally whitened. Fortunately, the dentist knocked a certain amount off the price as let's be honest, it was basically their fault.

So, internal whitening involves drilling a small hole into the back of the tooth to allow you to inject a bleaching agent directly into the tooth. This feels a little weird at first but it doesn't hurt and you get used to it.
The dentist fits you with a clear invisalign type aligners which are moulded specifically for your teeth. It also meant I could used the bleaching gel to whiten the rest of the teeth to match the other one.
The dentist then cleans up the inside of the tooth when satisfied with the colour and seals it with a filling.

Now, although my teeth aren't gleaming white, Hollywood style gnashers, they are all the same colour and the front one is most definitely not grey any more! :D
I would really recommend professional teeth whitening if you decide to get it done, as opposed to these dodgy ones you can pick up at Boots or Superdrug, etc. It's safer, more controlled, reliable and overall you will get a better result!

1.) How long does it take?
About 2-4 weeks depending on each case, applied twice daily or left on overnight.

2.) Is it expensive?
Yes, but worth it! I think we paid about £200?

3.) Will it end up like Ross Geller?
No, so long as you do as you're told! Also, the natural tooth can only go so white, so no worries there!

4.) Would I do it again?

5.) Can you get just external?
Yes. This is what I would do again but pay to get a guard for my lower teeth too. Internal whitening is only used when the tooth is 'traumatised' so to speak.

6.) Can it be done on the NHS?
Not usually, unless they are at fault/ a medical reason such as the nerve dying from infection after treatment. ie. Hence why my dentist knocked some of the price off.

7.) Is it permanent?
No. It lasts about 1-3 years. It varies in different cases. Mine are starting to fade now, after a good two years.

Check out the before and after pictures below!

The Flawed Blonde. xoxo

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