LUSH Review: Mint Julips Lip Scrub
Before my sister bought me this for Christmas, I was using a £1.00 apricot lip scrub courtesy of Wilko's and this was great and did just the trick. However, the LUSH Mint Julips sugar scrub is next level!
My sister bought me a pot for Christmas and whilst I trust her with my life, I have to admit I was slightly dubious as on appearance, the scrub is quite fine textured. I was left wondering if it would actually remove dead skin from my lips or just give them a bit of a polish without really doing a great deal.
It's safe to say I have not been disappointed! Wow! Firstly, the scrub smells divine, imagine After Eight mints. Yum. Despite the obvious sugar content which buffs away the dead skin, the product also contain peppermint oil which is refreshing due to it's cooling nature. Jojoba oil is another key ingredient which is incredibly moisturising and hydrates your lips as you scrub away for dear life.
All the ingredients are natural apart from the flavour which is a safe synthetic. The product is great if you're vegan as LUSH pride their company on no animal testing. Finally, despite the fresh ingredients used in the lip scrub, it is self preserving which is another bonus as you only need to use a small amount at a time so it lasts and lasts!
How to use:
- Firstly you want to wet your lips with warm water like you would if you were to exfoliate any other part of your body.
- Take about a 20 pence sized amount of the product and scrub away in circular motions.
- Due to the moisturising nature of the scrub, I tend to leave the product on my lips for a couple of minutes to absorb as much moisture as my lips can take in!
- Simply wipe off with a wet flannel then rinse around your mouth. Although the product is perfectly safe if you swallow some, I tend to rinse my mouth anyway.
- Finally, I apply my favourite moisturising lip balm and let it absorb into my fabulously soft and smooth lips. As your lips will be silky smooth after using the scrub, it would be great to use before you apply your make up to get a perfect application of lipstick.
Have you used this product before? Let me knpw what you thought of it and if you'd buy it again? I definitely would! This is my first time using LUSH products (I know right!) and I'm certainly a convert.
If you want to try the lip scrub, you can head to the LUSH website to find out more by clicking here.
If you want to try the lip scrub, you can head to the LUSH website to find out more by clicking here.
The Flawed Blonde. xoxo
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